Aleksey Kazakov at ArtScope Miami

Aleksey Kazakov participated recently at ArtScope Miami and we had an interview with him. Enjoy the full interview below. 
Tell us about your experience from ArtScope Miami 2015
 I was very proud to participate in Scope Miami during Miami Art Week second year in a row. It is very inspiring and encouraging to see that people appreciate your work. It makes me work more and more in order to be ready for upcoming year. 
What are you working on at the moment?
 Right now I'm working on series of pieces dedicated to the square shape "invented" by Malevich, mixing the monochrome art with Braille Alphabet glorifying village women 
What is your dream project?
 Last 15 years I'm seriously interested and involved in BIM (building Information Modeling) as the way new generations should act, so I'll be happy to participate in creation of sort of living model(blending design and reality) including all possible type of art human can generate. 
Is the artistic life lonely? What do you do to counteract it?
 Don't think so. I have lovely family and kids and friends all over the globe. What are your goals for the future, both work wise and life? To live full life without harming anything around by any sort of activity and learning more for the benefit of humanity 
What’s your favorite piece of work that you have created? 
There are some, but "Married sawyer under the yellow sky" seems to be the most significant https://scontent
Artist Statement My major in university was neuroscience, so I was amazed by humans brain even than. That is how I can explain my so-called “squares” period. We can call it pixelation now, but in 1993-5 before Photoshop era I considered it as abstract mosaic where each splinter of color is a part of little universe. Also it is sort of game when you planning main composition, but following that particular time fillings during creation. My art definitely came through several stages. Most of my early pieces were made using different means like cereals, sewing threads or tiles, I was very exited of monochrome texture as I was living in Moscow, Russia back then and it was essential to use improvised materials, it was such era in my life when surrounding world, on one hand, absolutely didn’t bother me, but on other hand was used as mean to catch, describe and explain to myself how that world worked. I consider myself as abstract expressionist/avangardist. 
Great influence on me was Russian painter Pavel Filonov and Russian art of the beginning of 20th century. What is most important for me as an artist is to show development. I don’t feel like life is static, the whole course of our life is constant improvement , that is my art all about. I also try to show all the depths and layers of humans conscious and life correlations with fatalism
Born in 1968, Moscow Russia Education 5/2005 – Professional Career Development Institute. Atlanta, USA Degree: Diploma in Visual Basic Programming. 12/2000 - Academy of International Cooperation. Moscow, Russia Degree: Diploma in Interior Design; certification in Photoshop, Corel, AutoCAD. 5/1996 - Moscow Teacher’s University. Moscow, Russia Degree: Degree in art and people handicraft (incomplete Master’s degree in Russian education system) 1/1991 - Russian State Medical University. Moscow, Russia Degree: Degree in pediatrics (incomplete Master’s degree in Russian education system) Artistic development Semi realistic expressionism 1988-1990 Monochrome expressionism 1990-1992 Abstract expressionism 1992-present 2 main directions pixelated abstract expressionism and semi realistic expressionism since 2000 together with art a lot of activities in interior design and architecture(parquet, trade shows, architectural mill work, interior decoration/design and architecture, etc. 

Exhibitions 1995 – “Nezhivoy – Kazakov” – joint exhibition in the Central House Of Artists, Moscow, Russia. 2001 – “19th Methods of Movement” – exhibition of Arthur Gletchan art collection, Moscow, Russia. 2003 – Homecoming – Chamber Music festival, video installation for the G.Crumb- “Black Angels”, Moscow, Russia. 2013 - doral rotary club.... 2014 - exhibition and real time painting "Color above water"

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